Qatar Academy 15th Anniversary Celebration

Doha, 15 March 2012

Let me first explain why I’m here. Why I decided to impose myself on your assembly this morning.

Well, I heard that you are celebrating 15 years of Qatar Academy and I wanted to be with you. I wanted to celebrate those 15 years with you.

As you know, Qatar Academy is very close to my heart. It was the beginning of everything. It was the seed of what has become Qatar Foundation today.

QA was established for Qataris and non-Qataris. It was established for Qataris to have access to quality education and at the same time to protect and preserve our identity, our culture and our language.

And it was established for non-Qataris to also have access to quality education and to learn about the environment they are living in - to learn about Qatari culture, Arabic culture and Muslim culture so that when they go back home they can tell their friends, family, colleagues that Arabs are not different from us and that they are facing the same challenges and have the same dreams and aspirations as us.

What could be better than this? A platform where gaps between cultures can be bridged. A platform for dialogue and better understanding where mutual respect can be conducted.

We want to show the whole world that a model of this kind can exist – and I can see this happening today. It’s happening today because of you. Because of your education, because of your openness, because of your willingness to reach out to the other.

I’m delighted with how you have all grown and developed – you students AND Qatar Academy.

But this is just the beginning. We must not be complacent.

As Qatar Academy will continue to grow, I need all of you to also be moving forward.

Never forget that you are the next leaders of Qatar – and the world.

This country is giving you great opportunities. But with great opportunities comes great responsibilities.

It’s up to each one of you to either grasp these opportunities or squander them. We decide our own failures and successes.

But let me tell you this – failure is not an option for this family. Failure is not an option for this Qatar Academy family.

I want you to make the most of your education and I want to make me proud of you.

I understand that this time capsule is going to be opened in 2022 when Qatar will be hosting the World Cup. In 10 years time, each one of you will be a young adult. Some of you will holding important positions, some of you still may be at university.
But I want to ask you a question – and I want an answer from you.

What will you be contributing to Qatar in 2022? Have you thought of that?

Does anyone have any answers? I am waiting – and want this to be an open discussion. Have you thought of that? Have you thought what you’ll be doing for Qatar – for your own country? Can any of you answer this?
Female student: I want to be a sports doctor.

Her Highness: That’s great. Anyone else? I want to hear from the boys.

Male student: I want to be playing for the national football team.

Her Highness: (applauding). Anyone else?

Male student: I also want to be playing for the Qatar football team but as the captain.

Her Highness: That’s what I want to hear from you – aim high, aim high. Who else?

Female student: I want to be a lawyer.

Her Highness: That’s very good.

Her Highness: Well, I am glad to hear your dreams and I want you to pursue them. I wish you all the success.

And let me inaugurate your time capsule here by putting in it my speech which I delivered in Zurich before the FIFA committee members trying to persuade them that Qatar should – and can – host the World Cup. And we won.

I’m going to sign my speech and put the date on it and put it in your time capsule. In 10 years time, we can open it and see how our dreams have been fulfilled.

Thank you.